2009/4/10 tom <gxiao...@sohu.com>

> I had read the surface flinger source code in cupcake, and hope to
> undertand how the android GUI system work. but now I am mixed-up
> still.
> and following is my understand and questions:
> surfaceflinger work flow:
> (1) new surfaceflingerclient(), it will createconnection(), and new a
> client
> (2) createsurface, it will new layer or layerblur or layerdim by z-
> blend order
> (3) createoverlay, if layer support overlay
> (4) register buffer
> (5) draw something on canvas(line, text, bitmap, rect...) which attach
> above buffer
> (6) post buffer
> my questions now:
> (1) surfaceflinger.cpp
> SurfaceFlinger::createconnection() will create a client which allocate
> 8MB heap for manangement surface data handle(color conversion, flip,
> layers).
> how many client have android system? one is BootAnimation, one is test
> sample overlays.cpp, one is debug CPUGUAGE, and one is WindowManager?
> In fact BootAnimation will destroy when it finish, (but how it destroy
> the 8MB heap?). Test sample and debug CPUGUAGE will not start for it
> is not enabled.
> So android system has only one surface flinger client, isn't it?
> OpenGL has another client?
> [tony]In my understanding,each activity will need to construct one client
> of surfaceflinger.

> (2)createsurface()
> each app with one window has attached one surface? or all app share
> one surface?
> one surfaceflinger client can create mutiple surfaces?
> [tony]One client can create multiple surfaces,apps can't share surface.

> (3)copybit.default.so
> where is the source code?
> [tony]should be depend on hardware.
> (4)surfaceflinger not support YUV format?
> and it ony support RGB565?
> more question and analysis will be continued,
> welcome helps
> thanks
> tom
> >

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