
I tried enabling the module support and boot the emulator using that
kernel but still getting the same error when insmod a module from the
terminal in emulator.

I also changing the Make file as specified and make the program but
get a long list of errors like "undeclared identifier" and cannnot
find header files and others.

If there anything else I must do, like only need to enable module
support or must enable any other options too?

Thanks in Advance,

On Oct 29, 1:23 pm, Chew Esmero <chew.esm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, it is possible. Exec Format Error: it seems that your module is
> not built using the headers of your goldfish kernel. Try this simple
> makefile when building your new driver (assuming hello.c as source):
> obj-m := hello.o
> CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
> KERNEL_DIR ?= ~/goldfish/kernel/
> all:
>         $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=`pwd` ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$
> (CROSS_COMPILE) modules
> clean:
>         rm -rf *.o *~ core .depend .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c .tmp_versions
> modules.order Module.symvers Module.markers
> You need to take note that you need to export first CROSS_COMPILE
> variable to your current shell. (i.e. #export CROSS_COMPILE=~/<your-
> android-dir>/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.3.1/bin) Then you
> issue the command #make. I think this will resolve the Exec Format
> Error problem.
> As for the 'operation not permitted' problem in #insmod, it seems that
> the "Loadable Module Support" in your goldfish's kernel config is
> still not enabled. You can try this:
> <goldfish-kernel># ARCH=arm make goldfish_defconfig
> <goldfish-kernel># ARCH=arm make menuconfig
> [*] Enable loadable module support ---> (make sure to have this one)
> <goldfish-kernel># ARCH=arm ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- make
> Your final kernel will be arch/arm/boot/zImage. After booting emulator
> using that kernel, you can now do your #insmod in emulator shell.
> Hope that helps.
> On Oct 29, 1:01 pm, perumal316 <perumal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks,Yes, now it can be loaded when the emulator is booted with the
> > new kernel.
> > But must I always build the module against my new kernel and boot with
> > the new kernel to load a new module?
> > Is it possible to insmod <module>, similar like in Linux to load a
> > module?
> > I have tried in emulator's terminal and in shell but keep on getting
> > the "init module failed, Exec Format Error or init module
> > failed,operation not permitted" error messages.
> > Regards,
> > Perumal
> > On Oct 20, 9:06 pm, Chew Esmero <chew.esm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Did you build the module against your new kernel? (i.e. ARCH=arm
> > > KERNEL_DIR=<android-root-dir>/kernel make). I've encountered that
> > > error message before and it seems that the booted kernel still do not
> > > allow "Enable Loadable Module" .config support. Are you sure emulator
> > > is booted with the new kernel? (i.e. emulator -kernel <new-kernel> -
> > > show-kernel -avd <name-of-avd>)
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