Il giorno mar, 15/12/2009 alle 17.39 -0800, perumal316 ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I currently working on a monitoring tool in a form of LKM, which I
> want to use to monitor the system calls made and aruguments passed
> during the calls.
> I can access into the system call table and replace system calls
> (using the LKM) but this is only for one system call.
> Any idea how to capture parameters passed and monitor the system calls
> made by applications?
> Regards,
> Perumal 

Do not top respond please, and follow the mailing list way :)

I am not so experienced in system call, maybe some guru here can
make better suggestion.

What I know is the presence of the LTT (Linux Tracing Tool) project
that maybe do what you want.

You may wait for an answer here, you can reproduce this question 
in the linux kernel mailing list and at the LTT project maintainers.

Good luck


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