Hi, I am trying to bring host mode for galaxys (https://github.com/
havlenapetr/android_kernel_samsung/tree/hostmode_2) I've ported it
from galaxys2 source code(it should be similiar hardware). I have some
mismatch somewhere with my platform in host mode module, because when
I try to start host mode my kernel freeze and phone just reboot. I
modified dmesg in toolbox(https://github.com/havlenapetr/
so I ran dmesg in daemon mode for logging. I add a lot of printk into
host module, so I hoped that some printk dmesg will catch and put them
into log file into /data/local/ before kernel freeze, but when phone
rebooted in my dmesg log file wasn't any log from host mode module, so
I think that kernel freeze so quickly that dmesg doesn't catch any
printk from host module. Is therre any way how to catch kernel
freeze(I think it is PANIC) in kernel and than put stacktrace or
something somewhere into file, before kernel restarts???

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