Hi, thanks for reply, but I need to create my own mkbootimg binary, because 
my bootloader doesn't support android's boot.img layout. My bootloader 
supports standart linux zImage with initramfs, so I need to write mkbootimg 
binary, which will merge zImage with android's ramdisk(initramfs) in kernel 
style, so I need to understand how kernel's build system do this merge.

Dne pondělí, 18. června 2012 17:33:29 UTC+2 Filip Zalewski napsal(a):
> If you have a boot.img from an existing device, you can use the following 
> process to extract the ramdisk, supply your own zImage, and repack back 
> into a bootable image. 
> http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=HOWTO:_Unpack%2C_Edit%2C_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images
> On Wednesday, 6 June 2012 04:08:12 UTC-4, petter wrote:
>> Hi, I wanna pack android's ramdisk into zImage without using kernel's 
>> build system. I know that in kernel sources /sripts/gen_initramfs_list.sh 
>> will generate list of files for initramfs and /usr/gen_init_cpio will 
>> create cpio archive (packed initramfs files, i think that it is same like 
>> cpio binary in android_platform/system/core/cpio) and somehow this cpio is 
>> merged with kernel binary by kernel's build system. Could somebody guide me 
>> how to merge ramdisk image with zImage manually (by manually I mean that I 
>> will write C utility for doing this process)

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