I've tried to debug the problem as best as I could, but I still don't have 
an idea how to fix this.

The main problem seams to be with the "ssh"-process (started by sshfs) 
which terminates without response.

*Since I didn't want to replace "/system/bin/debuggerd", I was looking 
around in "init.rc" and found the sshd-service ("/system/bin/start-ssh") 
which was not present on my device. So I created an shell-script in its 
place that suits my needs.*

root@hammerhead:/ # cat /system/bin/start-ssh

umount /data/media/0/server
/system/xbin/sshfs user@server:/ /data/media/0/server -o allow_other -o 
StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o reconnect -o IdentityFile=/data/.ssh/id_rsa

Now let "init" execute my script:

root@hammerhead:/ # start sshd

Verify it is running with:

root@hammerhead:/ # ps | grep ssh
root      6064  6060  2068   608   c0904218 b6e532c8 S /system/xbin/sshfs
root      6066  1     2584   1072  c027636c b6dd16d8 S ssh

root@hammerhead:/ # mount


sshfs#user@server:/ /data/media/0/server fuse 
rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other 0 0

Verify it fails:

root@hammerhead:/ # cat /proc/kmsg
<7>[ 9113.605760] SELinux: initialized (dev fuse, type fuse), uses 
<3>[ 9125.443482] init: untracked pid 6066 exited
<3>[ 9125.454009] init: untracked pid 6175 exited

When I modify "/system/bin/start-ssh" to call ssh directly and issue an 
command on the server, I can log and verify that it is working:

root@hammerhead:/ # cat /system/bin/start-ssh                               


ssh user@server -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o 
IdentityFile=/data/.ssh/id_rsa "ls /" 2>&1 >> /sdcard/ssh.log


root@hammerhead:/ # cat /sdcard/ssh.log                                     








   - What could Process 6175 be and why does it exit with the ssh-process 
   - Why does ssh fail when started by sshfs and succeed when started 

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