The abstraction layers in Android are admittedly inconsistent. Audio
and camera both use a C++ pure virtual interface (e.g.
AudioHardwareInterface.h), while other places like LED's and blitter
functions have a C struct of function pointers.

Because we run the actual device image in the emulator, any devices
that aren't backed by a kernel driver in the emulator need a fake
device (such as camera). For audio, we have a kernel driver for the
emulator, but other devices like the G1 have a user space layer on top
of the kernel driver. In this case, for the emulator, there is a shim
that translates AudioHardwareInterface calls to kernel calls.

How you surface the driver features to the application will depend on
what you are trying to do. Most hardware features are abstracted by a
native service, for example Surfaceflinger for 2D graphics,
AudioFlinger for audio, CameraService (because CameraFlinger just
sounded wrong) for the camera. This allows us to enforce security
using the binder interface and to abstract away a lot of differences
so that applications don't have to be written to work with specific

I haven't looked at the compass code, but I can take you through the
camera as an example.

At the top of the stack is android.hardware.Camera, which is the Java
object that the application instantiates when it wants to take a
picture. This is a thin wrapper around android_hardware_Camera.cpp
which is the JNI interface. This in turn is a wrapper around libs/ui/
Camera.cpp which is the proxy for the remote object in the camera
service. And yes, libs/ui is a strange place for it, but it has some
circular dependencies on Surfaceflinger, so that's where it ended up.

Now it gets interesting because there is a binder interface called
ICamera.h (pure virtual) which is implemented in ICamera.cpp which is
the marshalling code for the IPC binder calls. Let's just take it on
faith that the calls from the client result in a marshalled
ICameraClient object appearing on the server side of the interface.
Upon establishing a connection - provided that the application has
permission to use the camera - the camera service instantiates a
CameraHardwareInterface derived object, which is the HAL for the
actual camera hardware. The camera service takes care of preview
display and other low-level house-keeping functions that would be
difficult to do in a Java app.

The camera hardware driver can either be implemented as a kernel
driver with a thin user space shim driver, or it can be implemented as
a user space driver with a thin kernel driver (primarily to control

This is one of the more complex device models. Other devices (like the
LEDs) have a much simpler model.

On Dec 18, 11:36 pm, "Mark.Li" <> wrote:
> up
>     I'm interested in this issiue too, and I'm reading the code. As
> you said,it is not easy to identify all the
> files which need to be modified for adding a new one.
> Anybody who can give some clue?
> Thank you in advance,
> Mark lee

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