I have configured wifi with custom driver and able to connect to
secured  Access point. But IP resolv for website link is not
happening. If I type IP address in the url then browser opens the

Are there any known  problems/limitations  with DNS deployment in
android on real target ?

below getprop detaiils:--------------
[dhcp.eth1.dns1]: []
[dhcp.eth1.dns2]: []
[dhcp.eth1.dns3]: []
[dhcp.eth1.dns4]: []
[dhcp.eth1.reason]: [BOUND]
[dhcp.eth1.ipaddress]: []
[dhcp.eth1.gateway]: []
[dhcp.eth1.mask]: []
[dhcp.eth1.leasetime]: [86400]
[dhcp.eth1.server]: []
[dhcp.eth1.result]: [ok]

In browser AndroidManifest.xml ---------
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> is
also present.

logcat detail below---------------
 I/ActivityManager( 1553): Starting activity: Intent
{ action=android.intent.ac
tion.VIEW categories={android.intent.category.BROWSABLE} data=http://
.192/ comp={com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity} }
D/dalvikvm( 1672): GC freed 2989 objects / 215368 bytes in 144ms
D/browser ( 1672): updating cursor
D/dalvikvm( 1672): GC freed 4780 objects / 439912 bytes in 112ms
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1672): No keyboard for id 0
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1672): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/
D/browser ( 1672): updating cursor
I/ActivityManager( 1553): Starting activity: Intent
{ action=android.intent.acti
on.VIEW categories={android.intent.category.BROWSABLE} data=http://
 comp={com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity} }
E/browser ( 1672): onReceivedError code:-2 The URL could not be found.
D/browser ( 1672): updating cursor

# cat /proc/net/route ------------
Iface   Destination     Gateway         Flags   RefCnt  Use
Metric  Mask   M
TU      Window  IRTT
eth1    00C8A8C0        00000000        0001    0       0
0       00FFFFF0

eth1    00000000        64C8A8C0        0003    0       0
0       00000000

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