There is no other way at the moment, however you can simply put the file
into res/raw and
copy them to /data/data/<appname> when your app starts for the first time.

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:18 PM, efu <> wrote:

> I am building an app using JNI library. The JNI library needs to read
> some input data from the file system in runtime.
> To package the JNI lib into the package, I created a /libs/armeabi
> directory under the root tree of my project and copied
> into it. The apk package was successfully created and installed and I
> can see was placed correctly under /data/data/
> com.mycompany.myapp/lib directory.
> The question is how I can pack the user data in a similar way and have
> the package installer place them into the same folder? I tried to put
> them under the same libs/armeabi directory under project root but it
> was not successful.
> >


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