Also trying to accomplish the same objective. I've been trying to
investigate other possibilities of capturing incoming USB (maybe hook
the URB's) data in Android. I know that kernel build in Android does
not support the "Enable Loadable Module Support" kernel config and it
has no USB host or OTG capabilities; just client. If possible, I don't
want to do it in kernel mode (to avoid kernel recompilation). Maybe
just a daemon to do the capturing but still no idea how.

The idea of the project is that Android phone will be attached to a
microcontroller (USB host/OTG capable). This controller will be
sending data to Android phone via USB (I still have to write USB host
controller driver for the microcontroller, though). Android phone will
the USB client. Still investigating if this could be done in adb.
Don't want to modify adb itself. Maybe just a filter to capture USB
data traffic in adb. Been scanning the codes in adb. Seems that adb is
also doing the functionality of a typical USB driver, though running
as a daemon/service. Am I right?

@Jay: Do you have any progress so far? Could you please share also
some ideas?

On Sep 28, 11:59 pm, Chris Stratton <> wrote:
> On Sep 27, 2:28 am, Jay <> wrote:
> > I am looking into to Interfacing an Android Phone with a PIC
> > Microcontoller and retrievedatavia theUSBport.  How would I go
> > about doing this?  What API calls do I need to make to retrievedata
> > from the PIC?  And will it be easier if I were to do this via
> > BlueTooth instead ofUSBby adding a BlueTooth module to my PIC?
> The current  android phones are  USBdevices only, they do not
> function asUSB hosts.  So to do this withUSB, you would need a PIC
> that can be aUSBhost.
> Bluetooth probably is more practical as some progress has been made on
> getting rfcom working (see the unofficial bluetooth api community
> project)
> There also is/was a debug serial port on the extusb connector that
> might be an option, though may require a custom kernel?
> Anyone you cut it, this is a quite advanced project - not to say that
> you shouldn't tackle it, but you will end up learning a lot about the
> internals of android before you get it working.


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