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linux newbie wrote:
> Hi,
> �
> Our processor is PXA255 and its take long time to boot Android. It takes
> almost 8mins :(.

WOW.  That's long.

> I downloaded the source and compiled it for default "generic" product.
> �
> 1. Can anyone let me know, how to diable Internet (libwebcore) as we do
> not want that stuff?
> 2. I included "disabled" in the init.rc file for service "media", but
> still mediaserver is running in the background. which is not needed us.
> �
> Please let�me know, if there is any documentation available.

I don't know about turning off specific services, but for an overall
analysis of boot time, you might try using bootchart.  The Android
'init' program has built-in support for bootchart data gathering.


I've found zygote and systemserver to be the slow processes to start,
but I haven't analyzed where they are spending their time yet.
 -- Tim

Tim Bird
Architecture Group Chair, CE Linux Forum
Senior Staff Engineer, Sony Corporation of America


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