Are you sure that this functionality is supported by your Kernel and
Target hardware?


On Feb 24, 8:16 pm, Ashwin Bihari <> wrote:
> I've got a custom board designed around the OMAP3530 and we have a
> power button the device that we want to use to cause Android to go to
> sleep or wakeup based on it's current state.
> I've done a few searches and have figured out the the function
> goToSleep within the PowerManager handles this functionality. For the
> power button handler, I'm sending the KEY_POWER eventcode into
> Android..this is mapped appropriately into Andriod as
> KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER. However, pressing the button doesn't cause
> anything to happen with Android..what am I missing in making my
> connections?
> Regards
> -- Ashwin


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