Many of the android phones such as the G1, Mytouch, Hero (and probalby
Nexus 1) can support USB host mode if you root them and install a
recompiled kernel.  The original droid was rumored to have this
capability in the shipping firmware.  But that's only the start of the
capability you need - a lot of devlepoment would still need to be
done.  And it's fairly painful development, in that once you switch
the USB to host mode you loose the normal ADB development channel into
the phone, and have to set up ADB over something else like wifi in
order to load and debug your code.

So in effect, this is a project that can be done today with careful
selection of the phone and selection of a developer with the right
skills, and sufficient determination.  But it's not going to be easy,
and the requirement for a rooted and modified phone means it's going
to be hard to market.

On Nov 26, 12:48 am, Tanaka <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> How are you doing? This is my first message, I'm not a developer, I'm
> just a Brazilian photographer with a poor English, crazy ideas and
> some kind of understanding of what we could do in the future (or
> not) :) and I'm here to ask you help or some tips to follow with my
> busy developers friends here in Sao Paulo.
> I'm trying to find a way to connect my DSLR camera to Android. I know
> that today it's not possible because there's no suport to PTP (Picture
> Transfer Protocol) or MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) on Android - as
> you guys have already said 
> before
> -, but let me try to explain why this could be a good thing to have
> working.
> I've developed a simple script that monitors a folder on my notebook
> and send the JPG files (low resolution images) through mail to flickr
> or picasa. My intention is to publish the images automatically
> straight out of my DSLR camera connected to any kind of phone, modem,
> whatever. Today I can do that with a notebook, but It's kind of clumsy
> to shoot with a Macbook on my back and a 3G modem hung. Android phones
> would be perfect just because it's open source! I could never imagine
> that with an iPhone or Windows Mobile.
> I'm trying to find a cheap solution like an app that in the future
> could be sold on Android Market to any photo-journalist, press
> company, freelancer or whoever (if anyone create this, please give me
> the credit for the idea at least... LOL).
> I can see some issues following this idea:
> - MTP support
> - Transfer speed
> - RAW files + JPGs
> - Storage
> - Multi-tasking
> Why do I insist on MTP/PTP? Because all professional cameras uses it
> as a default protocol to comunicate, send files. Yes, there's some
> very expensive solutions that can send files through wi-fi but I think
> that wi-fi doesn't solve my problem, the perfect world could have a 3G
> modem stuck right in the camera to publish the content in real time.
> Today with my DSLR + PTP + Macbook + 3G I can shoot and publish with a
> delay of 30 seconds :)
> Transfer speed
> Professional cameras has powerful image processors that delivers files
> in high resolution. Imagine process raw files with a JPG low
> resolution version at the same time with 8 frame per second! If a
> camera has 12 megapixels the transfer of these images will be
> something like 96 megabytes per second. I don't know, I'm just
> guessing without knowing if there's mobile hardware that can handle
> this, my guess tells me that it's quite impossible, isn't it?
> My camera can generate 2 images of each photo, one is the high
> resolution, it's the back up file, the RAW to process and print it on
> magazines, newspapers. Other one is the JPG version in low resolution
> which I need just to publish on the web. When the camera is connected
> via PTP it doesn't save the files on its compact flash card, the
> camera send the files via PTP, so I need booth files, RAW to process
> later (after the photo session's end) and the JPG to publish as it was
> taken.
> Storage
> What is better, write the files on the mobile local flash memory or in
> the micro SD card? Every photo session I need at least 8Gb and I can
> lose any photo.
> Multi-tasking
> I need that the phone write the RAW files and send the JPG at the same
> time. Am I out of my mind and asking to much? LOL
> Please guys, I'd appreciate if anyone could help or suggest another
> way to do that: shoot and publish in a blink :)
> Thank you for your time!
> Big hug from a Brazilian friend,
> Silvio Tanakahttp://livpic.at


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