On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Dudero <sinfanh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I have got a binary driver for my gsm module (Android 2.1):
> "libreference-ril.so"  --->>> this is for Android emulator dynamic library 
> created
> "libril.so"     ---->>> this is for target[Real] board  dynamic library 
> created
> "rild"           ----->>>  this is the background process running in ubuntu 
> to communicate between framework and propretary[Vendor]code.
> "vchanneld"-------->>> I think this is mostly related to emulator stuff. this 
> channel id is created dynamically for various clients like gps, gprs and 
> other stuff. u can check in qumid.c file
> Can somebody explain me for what are "libreference-ril.so" and
> "vchanneld" used for?
> In the porting guides there are only speaking about "libril.so" and
> "rild"...
> Greetz
> Dudero
> --
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