For gingerbread there is a screen capture tool in:
It's ok to capture osd layer, but for video layer, you cannot capture
by framebuffer.

On 11月10日, 下午8时55分, Girish H T <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for cross posting. Stuck up with a problem , hope to get the solution
> at this forum.
> I am trying to capture the frame from framebuffer device. /dev/graphics/fb0
> in a rooted device. It works well to some extent. But when i try to play a
> video and , capture frame buffer the trouble starts. That is there is a
> black hole in the captured frame i can see.
> As i read from the google groups there is hardware overlay which the
> decoded data is directly rendered to, this part i cant understand. As there
> is only one display logically everything should be muxed and given to
> display. But i am still not able to understand how the video buffer is
> rendered seperately without frame buffer memory area.
> Could some one clarify how exactly the hardware overlaid rendering happens
> without directly writing to the frame buffer memory area. Is that area be
> accessible ?
> Regards
> Girish


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