I'm afraid the BSP I have is incomplete...

On Mar 21, 3:05 pm, ffxx68 <ffum...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Koba,
> I’m also trying to build Android for a tabelt based on the Renesas EMMA EV2
> and followoing the useful suggestions found here. I know many HW
> peripherals may differ from the KZM-A9 board, but I have the kernel source
> code and the Renesas BSP RC2 (someone has posted it, a while ago, in the
> XDA forums), so I hope this is enough to start with. I’d be happy enough to
> make the Android home to appear…
> Anyhow, I’m trying the LCD hack you gave here, i.e. copy gralloc and
> related header files from he BSP, but during the build an error while
> compiling the emxx gralloc library:
> 372: error: field ‘req’ has incomplete type
> which is about this code fragment in gralloc/framebuffer.cpp:
> struct {
> uint32_t count;
> struct emxx_fb_blit_req req;
> } blit;
> Indeed, I can’t find any definition for “emxx_fb_blit_req” in the entire
> Renesas BSP … Why???
> Are you using a newer version of the BSP?
> thanks
> Fabio
> On Thursday, 12 May 2011 16:04:28 UTC+2, koba wrote:
> > I ported Android 2.3.4 to KZM-A9-Dual board experimentally.
> > CPU of this board is Cortex-A9 dual core. SMP kernel is running.
> > I wrote blog about this.
> >http://t2koba.blogspot.com/2011/05/quick-hack-to-run-android-23ginger...
> >http://t2koba.blogspot.com/2011/05/icons-and-fonts-are-too-small-at.html
> > About KZM-A9-Dual board
> >http://www.kmckk.co.jp/eng/kzma9/

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