Hello all,

I'm currently working on porting android(4.1.1) on arndale board.

But I want to use android for uniprocessor.
So first I build linux kernel with NO SMP option(using 'make menuconfig')
and to build android for uniprocessor, I change 'BoardConfig.mk" file of 
arndale board as follow and build android.

*in device/samsung/arndale/BoardConfig.mk *
* 23 # CPU options*
* 24 TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi-v7a*
* 25 TARGET_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi*
* 26 TARGET_ARCH := arm*
* 27 TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT := armv7-a-neon*
* 28 TARGET_CPU_SMP := false         # true->false*

But when I boot arndale board using these linux kernel and android, It 
looks like it fail to boot android.
Because display of arndale board is frozen at booting logo. and logcat is 
not working..

Please let me know any tips about this problem.
Thank you.

--donghyun kwon

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