Yes, technically I got my tables OK, but as a newbie, I was thrown by the error 
messages.  Believe it or not, I DON'T run to this forum and ask a question for 
every quesiton I have.  Instead, I TRY to figure things out for myself.  All in 
all, I spent probably an hour on this one issue, only to find that it is for 
the most part "a non-issue."


Its ok if you get the errors (its assumed you will the first run)

(end of quote)

The truth is, you'll get the errors on all the runs! if I "follow the 
procedures" and do a "drop-schema" before a "create-schema", I'll always get 
the error messages about the tables not being there (since the tables will have 
been toasted by the "drop-schema").  If I DON'T do the "drop-schema", I'll get 
a DIFFERENT set of WORSE errors: since the "DROP TABLE" is commented out, you 
can't create the database tables AGAIN without first removing them.

Obviously, SOMEONE intended to comment out the "DROP TABLE" statements in 
create-schema.sql to avoid the display of errors, and it appears that there was 
an ATTEMPT at commenting out the "ALTER TABLE" statements also (to eliminate 
ALL errors).  I don't know about the other DB dialects (Hypersonic for 
example), but in the case of mySQL, the lines end up NOT getting commented out. 
 If they DID, I'd be about 1 hour ahead of where I'm at now.
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