I hope I'm not cluttering up the forum with this, but it took me be surprise to 
see VOs slammed by someone with Johnson's credentials....

I'd be interested in your remarks.

Rod Johnson (Founder of Spring Framework) in "Expert One-on-One™

J2EE™ Development without EJB" has the following comments on Value Objects:


Surely, since Java is a rather good OO language, object orientation is a given 
for J2EE applications?  While it should be, in fact many J2EE applications are 
really “EJB” or “J2EE” applications more than OO applications. Many common J2EE 
practices and patterns sacrifice object orientation too easily.  

OO design is more important than specific technologies, such as J2EE. We should 
try to avoid letting our technology choices, such as J2EE, constrain our 
ability to use true OO design.
(end of quote)

Let’s consider two examples of how many J2EE applications sacrifice OO:

 - The use of EJBs with remote interfaces to distribute business objects. 
Designing an application in terms of distributed business objects with remote 
interfaces can deliver a fatal blow to OO. Components with remote interfaces 
must offer interfaces designed to avoid the need for “chatty” calling for 
performance reasons, and raise the tricky problem of marshaling input and 
output parameters in terms of transfer or value objects. There are applications 
that must offer distributed business objects, but most shouldn’t and are much 
better off staying away from this particular minefield. The use of distributed 
objects is not unique to EJB: EJB wasn’t the first distributed object 
technology and won’t be the last. The reason that this problem is linked to EJB 
is that distributing components is the one thing that EJB makes easy: arguably, 
too easy.

(end of quote)


Unfortunately, too many J2EE applications fail to enjoy the benefits of OO. 
Many J2EE patterns are either J2EE-specific versions of true design patterns 
(which aren’t technology-specific), or actively non-OO.  One common violation 
of object orientation in J2EE applications is the existence of what I call fake 
objects: objects in appearance, but which don’t exhibit some of the 
characteristics of objects: identity, state, and behavior.

Let’s look at some common fake objects and why to avoid them if possible:

 - Transfer objects, often referred to as Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) or Value 
Objects. Transfer objects are not true objects because they contain only state, 
without behavior. Transfer objects are a necessary evil in distributed 
applications (although there’s an argument that this kind of data should really 
be included in an XML structure rather than Java objects). But if we don’t want 
a distributed architecture, they’re redundant and harmful, creating an 
unwelcome impedance mismatch between business services and callers.

(end of quote)


Entity bean performance is often poor because of the overhead of component 
handling and method interception, especially when dealing with large result 
sets. Performance is more likely to be acceptable for heavily cached objects. 
EJB patterns like Fast Lane Reader and Value Object smell like workarounds for 
such entity bean deficiencies and cannot be considered true design patterns.

(end of quote)


It shouldn’t really be necessary to emphasize the importance of object 
orientation in a book on Java-based middleware. However, we feel that it is, 
because traditional approaches to J2EE have been anything but object oriented:

 - They have tolerated and promoted non-objects such as value objects and dumb 
data holders (as opposed to transparently persisted domain objects).

(end of quote)

He's long on criticism and short on alternatives.

Are his arguments relevant to real systems or do they just conform to an 
architectural esthetic?

What does he mean by "transparently persisted domain objects"?

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