Hmm that's odd you wouldn't have the %USERPROFILE% variable defined (I thought 
that was defined by default in windows).    Another option (instead of building 
online), is to download the binary distribution from here:  (this is our 
current continous build distribution, but is atually pretty stable and has lots 
of improvements/bug fixes over can also download the binary 
distribution for 3.1-M1 if you'd like and do the same thing).  Once you 
download it, you should be able to copy the entire contents of 
andromda-bin-3.1-RC1-SNAPSHOT/andromda directory to the c:/Documents and 
Settings/cford/.maven/repository/andromda directory.  To install the andromda 
plugin, you'd need to copy the maven-andromdapp-plugin-<version>.jar from 
andromda-bin-3.1-RC1-SNAPSHOT/andromda/plugins to your %MAVEN_HOME%/plugins 
directory.  After you've installed the maven-andromdapp-plugin you should be 
able to generate an app, and since you already have all the andromda artifacts 
in your local
  maven repository it shouldn't need to download any.
Chad Brandon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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