I have to admit things have been rather quiet here lately.  They say the 
best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray, and mine have been derailed 
frequently.  :)

Anyway, we've gotten quite a few new subscriptions to the list and I didn't 
want people to get the impression that I have abandoned it.  I 
haven't.  I'm just very, very busy right now.

But we have had some new fan fiction submissions at the Andromeda Report 
over the past week.  I'm not sure which stories have been approved (someone 
else edits them), but you might want to browse 
http://www.xenite.org/science_fiction_tv/andromeda/fan_fiction/ to see 
what's up already.

I'm afraid it's been a while since I could update the Andromeda Report, too 
(just clip the "fan_fiction/" part off the URL above to see the whole Web 
site).  But I'll get back to that eventually.

NBall posted the following announcement to the Sorbo's Andromedans list a 
while ago:

Had some time to kill before the Super Bowl.  For those interested, I
enhanced Kevin's pic (http://www.alp-inc.com/paradepic.html) from the Parade
interview (http://www.alp-inc.com/interview.html).

The interview won't be up for long, so get on over there and check it out 
if you haven't already.

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    \\//          Visualizing Middle-earth, a book for all Tolkien fans
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