In this week's first-run episode, "Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way", we 
learn that three worlds have joined the Commonwealth so far.  Well, I've 
been keeping count on our Andromeda forum and I couldn't figure out who the 
third world was.

Zack Stentz posted to clarify the situation.  He said that the episode 
"Star-Crossed" (which brings in Michael Shanks of Stargate-SG1 as another 
AI who has a relationship with Rommie) was supposed to air before "Fear and 
Loathing", the third world was going to sign up in that episode.

However, now that the "airing order" is establishd, Zack says he's assuming 
a third one has signed up off-screen, and that it may be Mobius, which will 
be established as a signatory in the first episode of season two.

The two worlds which have signed the Commonwealth charter so far are Sinti 
(a Perseid world) and the Castalian republic (which, I gather, is a 
multiworld republic, but they count as only one).

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