Warning!  Warning!  Thar be spoilers ahead, matey!



I warned ye!

ANDROMEDA: Star-Crossed
by voidprime on April 10, 2001

episode written by Ethlie Ann Vare
directed by David Warry-Smith
guest starring Michael Shanks

"..And tell me there is an afterlife for androids and all good cyborgs go 
to heaven." -Gabriel to Rommie.
"Rommie has a crush on the new guy." -Beka

Like all Andromeda reviews I have written, there are some spoilers (mostly 
from the first fifteen minutes) and dialouge quoted from the said episode 
I'm reviewing.

The episode begins with Andromeda preventing a starship being destroyed by 
an old Commonwealth ship. 56 dead and an android manages to escape. The 
Andromeda picks up the escape pod which contains an android named Gabriel 
(Michael Shanks of Stargate SG-1 fame) who Rommie falls for at first sight. 
Soon, the Andromeda is hailed by the leader of three Banshee class 
fighters. The leader, Admiral Shura Ikusa (Jennie Hogan), and two others 
are invinted aboard by Dylan. Shura is working for the Free Trade Alliance. 
Tyr accuses Shura and her pilots of being freebooters (FTA hires them to 
protect their ships while terrorists pay to have them blown up). Shura 
denies it. Shura asks if Dylan needs any help in destroying the starship 
killer aka the Resters' (Restorationists) flagship aka a Seige Perilous 
Class Destroyer. Dylan agrees to Shura's assistance.

"I'm a warship with a mission to complete." -Rommie to Gabriel
"I'm supposed to be a warship and not a lovesick schoolgirl."- Andromeda on 
the video screen after a conversation between her, Rommie, and Rommie the 

Read the rest here:


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