It appears we have a few new subscribers on this list.  I'm afraid 
you've found it in a very quiet mode, largely because I have had too 
little time to participate in online discussions the past few months.

Still, I've been watching the show and despite some misgivings about 
the departures of Robert Hewitt Wolfe and Ethlie Van Vare, I feel 
like the new directions they are following have not deviated much 
from the original concepts of the series.

Not yet, at any rate.

I very much liked the Tyr episode we had this past week, in which he 
and Freya were reunited.  We got to see Tyr in his element, and such 
stories are usually very strong.  Keith Hamilton Cobb is a great 
actor, and I'm sure he'll go on to do some very interesting work when 

his time with Andromeda (hopefully a few years down the road) is 

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