Before people start leaving this list in droves, I figured I'd share 
another Trance story.  (Hey, this is a WAKE UP CALL!)

Dylan got caught up ferrying refugees to a new planet and he needed 
to make some extra room on the Andromeda. So he asked Trance to spend 
some time on a local drift until he finished the task of moving the 
refugees. "But this drift has very little food," Trance pointed out. 
"What will I eat?" 

"Well, just ask the local business people to share their 
complimentary fruit with you," Dylan said after thinking about her 
dilemma for a while. 

So, Andromeda took off and Trance settled into the drift. When she 
got hungry she went down to the promenade to beg for food. But, being 
the Cosmically Terrifying Babe that she was, as soon as Trance 
approached any of the stores, they would close up shop. 

The only shop which didn't close down was a bar. So Trance walked 
into the bar and asked the bartender if he had any fruit. 

"Nope," he said. "Just booze." 

So Trance went back to her room and sulked. When she got hungrier she 
went back to the bar. "Have you got any fruit?" she asked. 

"No," the bartender said. "We don't have any fruit." 

Trance left again. The next morning she woke up really hungry, so she 
went back to the bar and asked the bartender if he had any fruit. 

"I told you yesterday," he said. "We don't have any fruit." 

Trance left the bar and wandered around the promenade. Later in the 
day she got tired of being hungry and went back to the bar. "Do you 
have any fruit?" she asked. 

Now the bartender got really angry. He threw his hands up in disgust 
and yelled, "NO! We don't have any fruit! And if you ask me that 
again, I'll nail your feet to the floor!" 

So Trance went back to her room and tried to forget how hungry she 
was by sleeping. In the morning, when she woke up, Trance was really 
starving. So she went back to the bar and asked the bartender, "Do 
you have any nails?" 

"No," he said with a deep sigh. 

"Good. Do you have any fruit?"

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