Okay, I threatened to start posting some of my Trance stories to this 
list, and people obviously didn't take me seriously.  So, you've been 
duly warned.

Ogami, a long-time Herc/Xena fan who started watching Andromeda sadly 
informed fans a few weeks ago that he was giving up on the show.  
It's not his cup of tea.  Still, to console him, I offered the 
following fable.

Once upon a time Trance Gemini was purple. She was beautiful. 
Gorgeous. Cute. A dream. Perfect to a "T". 

And then she met a fish. 

So, she took the fish with her back to Andromeda and Rev Bem said, 
"Oh, Trance, how nice of you to bring me dinner." 

"Oh, but this isn't dinner, Rev," Trance replied. "This is my one 
true love." 

"One true love?" Rev replied skeptically. "Trance, it's a fish." 

"Yes, but he's a very smart fish," Trance said. "He reads a lot and 
he is very, very polite." 

"But he doesn't do anything," Rev pointed out. "He breathes water and 
takes up space." 

"Well, he COULD do something if he were more of a humanoid," Trance 
said with a thoughtful expression. "Couldn't you ask the entity from 
the abyss to turn him into one?" 

"Well, it's not like we're on speaking terms or anything," Rev Bem 
replied. "But I suppose that if you are going to be in love with a 
fish, we could bargain with the devil and see what happens." 

So, Rev called up the entity from the abyss, who looked at the fish, 
and ate it. 

"That didn't work out well at all," Trance said as she sat sobbing. 
Rev tried to comfort her as best he could. 

"Perhaps not," he said. "But look at the bright side." 

"What bright side? My fish is someone else's dinner!" 

"True. But at least now you'll never catch him cheating on you with 
another fish." 

And the moral of the story is: It is better to have loved and lost a 
fish, than to have never fished at all. 

Which, of course, has no relevance to your disappointment with the 
show, but like I said, this thread reminded me of that story....

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