I love Andromeda and Enterprise.  Its really a shame that people are so hard to please nowadays.  Let me ask all of you one thing.  How many of you have tried to write an hour-long show?  Dialogue and all.  Not just 'ideas' for shows.  The entire show.  And make it interesting, and make it jive with all the shows that came before it and will come after it.   These are merely shows for entertainment value and when you can finally see that, then maybe you can relax and enjoy them again. There is nothing wrong with change either.  Maybe you should all get over being disappointed that the show isn't being written exclusively for you. :-)
Y'all will probably flame me for this note, but it is my opinion and I feel I have a right to speak up for the shows I love, just like you had the right to bash them like you did. 
Time is too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love -- time is eternity.
                                ... Henry van Dyke (1852-1933)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [andromeda] Trance story

I too have pretty much given up on the show.  I'm not sure if I'll ever have
faith in good scifi again after this and the horrible attrocity they call
Enterprise.  I know that the producers and others are motivated by money and
don't really care about the fans, but I'd hoped for more from the people
involved with Andromeda.  Most of them seem to be with it, but when they
lost the two best writers, I started to fear the worst.  It's a shame that
the worst seems to be happening, EG. Kevin Sorbo!
Your friends,
Erika and Quala

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