On Nov 27, 2007 9:48 PM, Junqian Gordon Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/27/2007 04:14 PM, Michael Krelin wrote:
> >>> OK. I guess I was waiting for the official Angstrom Opie maintainers to do
> >>> these things, but if you are asking me to do them then I am happy to do so
> >>> provided I have all the tools.
> >>   OPIE won't be supported by Angstrom until there will be confirmed
> >> team supporting it. At the peak, there were 3 people on that team,
> >> then 2, now Michael and me only semi-online. If lack of
> >> general-availability distro support for OPIE is your pain point, then
> >> you're in good position to join this team.
> >
> > I'm watching this silently due to the lack of... well, let's say lack of
> > myself :-), but I think it's time for me to chime in and state the
> > obvious: one more more or less available maintainer won't hurt.
> +1 from me in support of opie. From my brief test, opie seems a bit more
> mature than gpe on the Tosa. The burden of opie, nevertheless, is to
> bring up-to-date/test/repackage quite a few qtopia frontend packages in
> the user space, which I hope I can help while the opie developers can
> focus on opie itself.

SDG Systems will have one person available 10-20 hours per week to
help with the Opie work. We will help to support the hx4700, and our
TDS products. They will begin helping later this week.

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