Sorry for that.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gary Thomas" <>
> To: "susmith mr" <>
> Cc: "Discussion of the angstrom distribution development" 
> <>
> Subject: Re: [Angstrom-devel] (no subject)
> Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:31:27 -0600
> Please reply to the mailing list so that all may benefit.  If you need
> private support, contact MLB Associates for a support contract.
> On 07/30/2010 11:09 AM, susmith mr wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply.
> > I am going to test this.
> > But i have one doubt. After bitbake, i got a bundle of ipk 
> > pakages inside the folder "tmp-angstrom_2008_1\deploy\glibc\ipk".
> > So you are telling that these pakages are the same as what is 
> > available on remote(internet) angstrom site. Or do i have to 
> > manually download all these ipk files inside my local http server 
> > and do what ever you have specified
> That directory (on your local machine) will contain only the subset
> of the available packages - just what you've built.  If you need additional
> packages beyond those in console-image, build them yourself.  You could
> also import them from a global site, rerun package-index and then serve
> them from your local site to your embedded device.
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Gary Thomas"<>
> >> To: "Discussion of the angstrom distribution 
> >> development"<>
> >> Cc: "susmith mr"<>,
> >> Subject: Re: [Angstrom-devel] (no subject)
> >> Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 10:56:29 -0600
> >>
> >>
> >> On 07/30/2010 10:43 AM, susmith mr wrote:
> >>> Hi everybody.
> >>> I have a doubt in openembedded filesystem for beagleboard. I am
> >>> using console image and file system for my beagleboard. I got
> >>> this running fine. My aim to test some opengles program to work.
> >>> Mainly i am using sgxunderbeagleboard wiki for beagleboard. In
> >>> that wiki, the writer is describing about running "opkg updata".
> >>> Since i am running this from inside the company, i am unable to
> >>> connect to the internet. There is any way i can update the system
> >>> from a local repo. Anybody can help me. NTLMAPS is the one i am
> >>> using on normal linux to connect to the internet.But this is
> >>> python based application. so i have to install python in my
> >>> beagleboard running angstrom. Is there any way to update the
> >>> system. What is this update doing. Well, from bitbake i can see
> >>> all ipk file are inside the build folder.Is this enough....
> >>> Please help
> >>
> >> It's pretty easy to set up a 100% local repository for opkg to use.
> >> First, you'll need a local HTTP server.  I use lighttpd, but any
> >> should do (*)  Point your HTTP server to the
> >> tmp/deploy/glibc/images/beagleboard
> >> directory (I use a symlink)
> >>     $ \ls -l /var/www/lighttpd/
> >>     lrwxrwxrwx 1 gthomas gthomas    48 Jul  2 06:03 oe-feeds-arm ->
> >> /local/Angstrom_BeagleBoard/tmp/deploy/glibc/ipk
> >>
> >> Then, on your beagleboard, remove everything in /etc/opkg *except*
> >> for arch.conf and opkg.conf.  Add this file as /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf
> >>
> >>     # cat /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf
> >>     src/gz all
> >>     src/gz armv7a
> >>     src/gz beagleboard
> >>
> >> Change the IP address to your HTTP server (it can be a DNS name).
> >> Change oe-feeds-arm to whatever your symlink is (as above)
> >>
> >> On the hose/development system, make sure you run:
> >>     % bitbake package-index
> >>
> >> Then, on the beagleboard:
> >>     % opkg update
> >>     % opkg install<whatever>
> >>
> >> Good luck
> >>
> >> (*) How you install and set up an HTTP server is up to you.
> >>
> >> -- ------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
> >> MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >>
> >
> >
> -- ------------------------------------------------------------
> Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
> MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
> ------------------------------------------------------------


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