On 2011-10-18 16:08, Khem Raj wrote:
On (18/10/11 21:04), Daniel Lazzari wrote:
Hey everyone,

We are trying to build something of a custom distro on top of Angstrom-core and 
need to remove x11 from the DISTRO_FEATURES as it breaks dbus (since we aren't 
shipping x11). I can just comment it out in angstrom.inc, but that requires 
editing files in meta-angstrom, which is not our layer. Anyone know of a good 
way of removing this by only using files in our own layer?

If you are using layer based angstrom(using oe-core and other layers) then its 
easier where you can
specify your layer with highest layer priority and ahead of other layers for
BBPATH then it will pick your layer first when it searches for recipes.

in conf/distro/include/angstrom.inc we have


you could comment that out.

I think the point was to not have to modify the common/public layer.
n.b. I'm interested in the same thing for my own distro.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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