On 02/06/2014 04:42 PM, Christian Betz wrote:
> hi. hopeful this mailing list is still active.
> my team has built a number of products on the "classic" angstrom
> distribution before the split of OE into multiple layers. we'd like to
> migrate to use the latest angstrom but realize that this could be a great
> deal of work.
> it's not so much an issue of building the new angstrom as hot-upgrading a
> great many running systems from the old 2010.x.
> i'm hoping to collect any advice i can before starting with this. obviously
> there are some major system component upgrades involved. and it would seem
> that the default package format has changed to RPM which seems like it
> could by very tricky indeed.
> i guess i'm looking for is "what an angstrom expert/developer" would do in
> this situation. we'd like to avoid an "android style" reboot-into-recovery
> and flash the rootfs, but realize that might be our path of least
> resistance.

The best answer is we tried to make things upgradeable across the
"divide" between classic and core, but basically did not succeed.


> thanks,
> christian

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