On 04/11/2016 21:07, Eliot Lear wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> On 11/4/16 8:08 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>> Also, much of this topic is systems engineering, not protocol design.
>> However, at the protocol design level it seems apparent that autonomic
>> mechanisms *above all others* need to work when everything else is broken.
>> For many aspects that reduces to defining defaults that apply on a cold
>> start, but for security bootstrap in particular it also means defining
>> what happens when no external dependencies are possible. That does seem
>> to need pixie dust.
> I could envision multiple approaches to addressing this, but I didn't
> want to go down the solutions path until we have a clear understanding
> of what we are solving for.  For instance, there is replacement
> equipment, and then there are first responders.  Do first responders
> require authentication?  Is authentication in these cases a binary
> output or perhaps characterized differently?  And how does this differ
> from other problems, such as electronic health records (EHR) in these
> circumstances?  I think we could spend quite some time in that sort of
> discussion.  For a proposed standard, we may be overreaching, and so we
> should be quite careful.  But I would agree that the topic should be
> covered in greater depth.  My issue is one of how much to bite off now.

I completely agree. And indeed my concern is whether there is something
fundamental that we need in BRSKI to allow for this - I mean something
that would be very painful to retrofit later. Apart from that, the
question can be deferred.


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