> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anima [mailto:anima-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Brian E
> Carpenter
> Sent: 18 November 2016 10:32
> To: Anima WG <anima@ietf.org>
> Subject: [Anima] The ACP is not an ASA, but...
> The ACP is not an ASA, it's actually a set of components, and probably it
> includes several daemons.
> However, I think that modelling the ACP *neighbor discovery function* as an
> ASA is correct - it will after all be using GRASP, and it will probably need 
> to run
> indefinitely because of handling new neighbors or neighbors that disappear.
> It is also a user of one of the limited instances of GRASP (I can't remember
> which one at this moment, while also listening to Bing's talk).

The concrete question is whether we should document the ACP functional block in 
section 7.3 in the reference draft. 

I think you're suggesting to do so. 

In this case, can I ask you to provide some text? ;-)   As mentioned, I'm not 
100% convinced, but not opposed either.  I'll then rename section 7.3 from 
"Specific ASAs for the Enrolment Process" to " Specific ASAs"

> Regards
>    Brian
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