Brian E Carpenter <> wrote:
    >> NEW In some cases there will be a transition period, in which it might
    >> not be practical to run with strong encryption right away.  It's
    >> important to keep this period as short as possible, and to upgrade to
    >> a fully encrypted setup as soon as possible.  END

    > or perhaps more precisely:

    > During initialization of nodes there will be a transition period...

Brian, by "initialization", do you mean bootstrapping?

    > Whether this is phrased as an exception to the MUST or as the
    > justification for ignoring the SHOULD is a matter of taste, I think.

I am saying that there will be a period where legacy NOC elements will be
placed into a kind of "ACP container" --- the ACP encryption will not
extended into the "operating system" where the NOC element is, but likely
terminated "in the stack" or "in the wire".

(cf: Bump in the Stack, Bump in the Wire

    >> or Hebrew, there's nothing wrong with sticking to UTF-8 as long as the
    >> possibilities are understood and folks are OK with it.

    > My thought was that these names will sometimes be visible to humans so
    > why not allow localized names? If GRASP succeeds it might be used for
    > local applications, not just generic applications. So I'd rather allow
    > it from the start, and if we have to add character-set restrictions
    > later, so be it.

Barry, is there a way to say, "UTF-8 without all the confusing parts"?
Is that what IDNxxxx is all about?

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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