
I assume everyone is aware that GRASP limits its message size to 2000 bytes.
In case anybody thinks that could be a problem, I don't think it is.
Or at least, it's easily overcome for objectives that might become large.

Recently I've coded a pair of demonstration ASAs to check the feasibility
of capturing DNS-SD information in an autonomic node, and relaying it to
other autonomic nodes via a GRASP objective. That is fairly straightforward,
and allows one "smart" ASA to handle the complexities of DNS-SD lookup for
any number of dumb client ASAs that don't want to bother with details of the
lookup process.

In the course of testing this I managed to generate a GRASP message that
significantly exceeded the 2000 byte limit set by the GRASP spec.

Then I realised that for a negotiation objective, this can easily
and reliably be overcome, by fragmenting the reply at ASA level. The
process is as follows:

- the client ASA opens a GRASP negotiation by requesting a DNS-SD lookup
  via a GRASP objective.
- the "smart" ASA performs the lookup sequence (which involves some
  parsing of the results) and prepares the value to be returned. It
  is a sequence of DNS records (as described in RFC6763), which GRASP
  of course encodes in CBOR for transmission.
- if the result will fit in a single GRASP message, it is returned as
  the objective value in a single GRASP Negotiate message, and we're done.
- if the result is too long, it is fragmented, and the first fragment
  has a marker appended to it (in my test, I simply appended a dummy
  DNS record 'MORE').
- in that case, the client continues the negotiation (for example,
  by sending back an objective that contains the value 'ACK')
- repeat until done.

Coding this added about 25 lines of Python to each ASA. It's reliable
because all the transactions run over a TCP connection.

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