Max, please search for QUESTION.

Toerless Eckert <> wrote:
> 1.) Introduction
> a) The intro of 1. is somehat confusing to the uninitiated.
> Suggest the followinf replacement text for two paragraps:
> BRSKI provides a solution for secure zero-touch (automated) bootstrap of
> virgin (untouched) devices that are called Pledges in this document. These 
> Pledges
> need to discover (or be discovered by) an element of the network domain to 
> which the
> Pledge belongs to perform the bootstrap.  This element (device) is called the
> (Domain Join) Registrar.  Before any other operation, Pledge and Registrar 
> need to
>  establish mutual trust:
> Then the four existing bullet points, but number them.
> Then followed by th following paragraph to replace the existing paragraph 
> after
> the four bullet poins.

All done, including:

> b) It would be nice to have a paragraph mentioning the proxy as a mean to
> provide easier connectivity for Pledges (no need for full network 
> connectivity).

Also, we have tried to always say "PKIX" certificates, since the whole
"X.509" space is decades old... Credit to IETF for keeping it alive.

> 1.1)
> a) "other Bootstrapping Approaches": "other" -> "prior" or "existing" ?

I'll take Prior, but I'm not crazy about the change.

> b) "_or_ that domain-specific keying material". Is this not an _and_ ?

It's an or.
It's *insecure* *OR* there is a domain-specific key.

> c) "in a costly and non-scaleable manner". "non-scaleable" may be hard to
> argue. Whole economies where built on manual labor. Might rather use
> qualifiers such as "little or not at all automated", "error-prone" and/or
> referring to physical security (.e.g: trusted pre-staging location).

Generally, any process that requires linear amount of labour (or capacity) to
be added in order to grow linearly are consider non-scalable.
Of course you can make pigs fly with enough rockets, but it does not work for
arbitrarily sized pigs.

> d) "existing mechanisms" -> "existing automated mechanisms".


> e) Paragraph 2 and following about EST: The first two sentences sound
> contradictory/conflicting. "...minimize user action..." , "details a set of
> non-autonomic bootstrapping methods". Suggest text like:

> "EST does reduce user actions during bootstrap but does not provide
> solutions for how the following protocol steps can be made autonomic
> (not involving user actions).

okay, slightly adapted.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1.3)
> a) The order of paragraphs is confusing. Even if the mayority of readers
> (which i don't think) would primarily be interested in class 1 devices,
> it is irritating in style and context to start with the first two
> paragraphs.
> I would suggest to start with existing paragraph 3, change maybe the
> sentence to "This solution (BRSKI) can support large router platforms..."
> Then insert the first two paragraphs after current paragraph 5. All the
> text after paragraph 5 already discusses constrained situations so
> it would nicely follow on to the first two paragraphs.


> b) paragraph 5 is confusing: What is a handoff, why would somebody
> even think to apply BRSKI in a handoff, and why is there a normative,
> capital letter SHOULD. Here is how i would write it more explanatory
> (if i understand the implied use case correctly):
> BRSKI could be used by nomadic or mobile devices to aquire certificates
> used as credentials to access the network at the new location. This
> is usually called handoff. Nevertheless, BRSKI is not intended for low-latency
> handoff which is usually a requirement in mobility solutions (e.g.: seamless
> handover). For these solutions BRSKI could be used to aquire keying
> material and re-use that during handover without re-initiating BRSKI
> during handover later on.
> (which is also implying that re-using BRSKI in nomadic environments
>  is not off the table, but not saying so explicitly because we really
>  have not thought that trough a lot).

I have adapted your paragraph replacing the one we had.

> c) It would loosen up a very long section to create three subsection headings
> - supported environments
> - constrained envionments
> - network access control


> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Section 2 1)
> a) ..Each component is logical and may be combined with other components as 
> necessary..
>     Ok. I always want the pledge to live in the same device as the MASA.
>     Would suggest deleting that sentence. More harm than benefit.

Hmm.   The Circuit Proxy, Domain Registrar and Certificate Authority could be
done component.  I think that we need to say something about that.

> b) I suggest to move section 2.4 up to become section 2.1) directly after the
> picture in section 2., because otherwise there is no explanaction following
> the picture.
> c) "The a domain" (delete a)

I think that you mean it becomes section 2.2, after the first state machine?
(c) perhaps already done.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Section 2.1
> a) The term "Request Join" is only used here, and its IMHO not very logical
> (disclaimer: toerless: It sounds to me like the
> pledge says "i want to join". And also sounds as if the pledge could be
> disappointed if rejected. I would rather call it "Domain membership inquiry".
> Or if you're hooked up on the term "joining", then maybe "Join Inquiry".

QUESTION?  what do you think?
Was "Request Voucher" one of the options you were thinking about?

> Whatever best makes it clear that rejection is a perfect and important
> outcome option.
> b) Please see my issue section 5.1 a). If you agree with that statement, then 
> there
> should be no "rejected" arrow in Figure 2 coming out of the "Identify"
> block.

okay, I'll deal with this in that section.

> I would also suggest that the "Bad Vendor response" arrow does not come out
> of the "Imprint" block but out of the "Request Join" block. AFAIK, this is
> an error reply to the Request Voucher, so it happens before imprinting
> (imprinting happens only when there is a vocker reply. AFAIK).

[It says, "Bad MASA response" now, just for the reader who is following]

> I don't think "Bad Vendor reply" in Figure 2 is a good term. Most logical
> to me would
> be "Error or not member". In any case, the text in section 2 below should
> mention the exact words used on the labels, the text is missing ll the
> labels on the left: "Factory reset", "Enroll Failure", "Bad Vendor
> response",...

more discussion.

> c)
>  Point 1 nicely explains how this is done during TLS.
> Likewise, Point 2 should mention that this is the "Voucher Request", and
> Point 3 should mention that it is the "Voucher Reply" - so readers can match
> up section 2.1 with the rest of the document.
> remove the "e.g." from "protocol, e.g. Enrollment over". Otherwise some text
> outlining when something else than EST is to be used. (see next comment).

QUESTION: I couldn't figure out what text this applies to.

> d)
> I am missing in the initial chapters a succinct summary how EST enrollment is 
> optional and
>  what can be achieved with/without it, there is only some side sentences 
> later in the
> EST sections. I would suggest to insert such an explanation here.
> After point 4 insert (unnumbered) paragraph:
> | After step 4, the pledge has received  and authenticated an explicit TA 
> (trust anchor)
> | (pinned-domain-cert in the Voucher response). In some use cases this may be 
> sufficient
> | and the bootstrap can be terminated here. The pledge can now use this TA to 
> securely
> | trust domain members, but it can not securely identify itself to them as a 
> domain member.
> | Therefore BRSKI usually proceeds with the following steps that support this 
> via EST
> | enrollment (see also 5.5.1 for the limitations of the trust feasible 
> through the imprint).
> Also maybe insert some dotted line between imprint and enroll in Figure 2 to
> highlight this distinction. Maybe with "mandatory" / "optional" (EST enroll 
> part)
> on the right hand side


> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Section 2.2
> a)
>  The core sentence is hard to understand because it does not spell out the
> implication of the alternatives:
>  At the
>  lowest security levels the MASA server can indiscriminately issue
>  vouchers.  At the highest security levels issuance of vouchers can be
>  integrated with complex sales channel integrations that are beyond
>  the scope of this document.
> Would suggest amending like this:
>  At the lowest security levels the MASA server can indiscriminately issue
>  vouchers AND LOG CLAIMS OF OWNERSHIP BY DOMAINS.  At the highest security
>  levels issuance of vouchers can be integrated with complex sales channel
>  integrations that are beyond the scope of this document BUT THAT WOULD

I split it into more sentences, but took the intent.

> b)
> "Vouchers provide a signed but non-encrypted communication channel
>    between the Pledge, the MASA, and the Registrar."
> Why is this  mentioned ? If there is a conclusion of this statement that
> is relevant to BRSKI it should be spelled out, otherwise its a detail
> belonging into voucher. I do not see how the following sentence is that
> relevant conclusion. But maybe i am too confused by the sentence structure.

I think that it explains why the voucher exists.

> Do you mean something like this:
> | Vouchers are signed but not encrypted. This allows registars to maintain
> | better control over pledges attached to the domains network by examining
> | and filtering Vouchers received from a MASA before sending them to the 
> pledge.
> If thats the idea, i suggest to use language like i suggested because it's
> more explicit and simpler (not having to think what the relevance of
> "communication channel" is etc..).

QUESTION: I'm not sure that's the essence of the point.

> Also may warrant a note that this control does not necessarily apply to the
> case of a Cloud Registrar (see section 2.6).

The could registrar is not a BRSKI interaction.

Stopping here today.
here is a diff against -11

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [
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Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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