Hi everyone,

Thanks to those 30 or so people who participated in a side meeting just
after OPSAWG on IoT onboarding.  There was pretty clear agreement that
there is at least some fragmentation occurring in onboarding solutions,
leading to some confusion amongst some of the players.  In some cases,
like consumer, some didn't care that much, but everyone seemed to see
the problem in enterprise and industrial.  A few notes:

  * “Onboarding” means different things at different layers. As we move
    forward we are primarily thinking about network onboarding here, but
    if the credential used for network onboarding can be used for
    application onboarding, that's a nice feature.
  * This matter spans multiple standards organizations.  In the meeting
    yesterday we had participants from at least five, for example.
  * We agreed to try to flesh out a wiki that talks about all the
    different mechanisms.  Some of these are cataloged in various
    places, and some are not.  We are not at this point limiting
    ourselves to just IP.
  * We also want to try to articulate architectural requirements.
  * As we build out the inventory of mechanisms we will seek to identify
    common architectural components.
  * We'll try to get far along on the wiki for a December conference
    call just to see how well we did, and to talk about next steps.
  * The activity is entirely open.  I've asked for a mailing list to be
    created, and I have created a github repository known, funnily
    enough, as "iot-onboarding".

If you're interested in this activity, please feel free to join the
mailing list when it is announced or otherwise add to the repository. 
If you were in the room and want to add your views, great.


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