One minor additional point, otherName would allow binary encoding, which might 
be helpful for the IoT environment.  The URN approach does require ASCII string.


> On Jun 30, 2020, at 12:10 PM, Toerless Eckert <> wrote:
> Just had a call with Russ and Barry (thanks Russ, Barry), and here is
> what transpired, and it comes with a Q to the ANIMA WG wrt. to
> solution options (see below). Hopefully Russ/Barry will correct me if i
> misrepresent anything.
> Russ and Barry agreed that a solutions where email addresses are not
> primarily intended to be used for actual emails (e.g.: using SMTP/RFC5321)
> may be something found in the wild, but in their opinion, it would create
> harm (to i guess the Internet email system), significant enough to warrant
> an IESG DISCUSS if such use was to be defined into an Internet Standard.
> If i understood it correctly, the choice of otherName by previous solutions
> similar might have also been influenced by the same rejection to use 
> rfc822Name
> It sounded to me from the call as if email address/rfc822Name  might have
> been desired to be used first by e.g.: XMPP but then they had to move to
> an otherName (RFC3920 i think) because of resistance to get that standardized.
> That at least would be a detail i was missing from the prior explanations on
> this thread.
> I continue to disagree, but i think the resolution of this basic
> argument would create an inacceptable timeline to progress ANIMA,
> so i do not want to afford this discussion any longer for the ACP draft.
> [ Hopefully i can get back to after ACP is done because i still think it
> is quite fundamental. ]
> a) Russ promised me a text stub or pointers thereto necessary/sufficient to 
> define a new
>   use (and i guess IANA registration). Probably something similar to
>   what is e.g.: found in rfc8398.
>   I think IANA registration is here: 
>   See e.g.: id-on-SmtpUTF8Mailbox, 
>   registration procedure: spec required, expert: Russ Housley
> b) I brought up the point that using uniformResourceIdentifier instead
>   of a new otherName would avoid that any part of the ecosystem including 
>   diagnostic tools would have to be software updated with new ASN.1
>   en/decode work and create unique names useable outside certificates as well.
>   If we used "acp:<local>@<acp-domain-name>", this would require
>   review process for the new "acp:" scheme, which according to my reading of
>   process would take maybe up to one month. Barry suggested to simply
>   register an IETF URN parameter (RFC3553), e.g.:
>       urn:ietf:params:acp:<local>@<acp-domain-name>
>   IANA registry:
>       Registration procedure: IETF review (which i guess is the ACP draft 
> IETF review).
> So, would love to hear opinions of a) vs. b). Am i overselling the URI option
> vs. the otherName option ? I have no experience on this backend side, i am
> just trying find the most pragmatic, easy to adopt option for operators,
> and i have seen a of backend systems (inventory management or the like)
> where names are shuffled around, and we started using email addresses because
> those are always supported identifier types in backend systems. No idea if 
> URI are that common,
> but at least they could be there because they are an existing defined 
> name/address type.
> For otherName, those uses outside certificates would need to come up with 
> their own
> field type i think.
> Given how this is not an email address anymore, it
> would be prudent to introduce one degree of extensibility easier to manage:
>      otherName: node:local@acp-domain-name
>      URN:       urn:ietf:params:acp:node:<local>@<acp-domain-name>
> Where "node" is the value we define in ACP, and other values here
> are the extension points.
> Final note: of course we loose the ability to use public CA that an
> sign rfc822Name, e.g.: via ietf-acme-email-smime, which we would have
> if we whee permitted to use email addresses as ACP names, and i was getting
> fond of that option, but given how we did not perceive this nice option
> when we started ACP, its at least no set-back from the original ACP goals.
> Cheers
>    Toerless
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 06:11:49PM +0200, Toerless Eckert wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 10:47:51AM -0400, Russ Housley wrote:
>>> Brian:
>>> The point of a certificate is to bind the public key to the identity of the 
>>> private key holder.  The certificate supports many different forms of names 
>>> to support many different protocols.  The rfc822name is used to bind to an 
>>> email address.
>> How do you think IETF should decide on what is a semantic correct
>> email address ? RFC5280 simply inherited the non-crypto definitions
>> of email address/mailbox.
>> Do you think it is appropriate for you to recommend blocking progress
>> of a document through IESG review based on your interpretation what
>> does and what does not constitute a semantic correct email address ?
>> Do you think that there are rfc2821 email addresses that are
>> semantically correct if not used in a certificate, but that are
>> not semantically correct for use in rfc5280 certificates ? If so,
>> can you please explain how such a differentiation would be justified
>> by existing RFC text ?
>> If you do not think that there is a semantic correct email addresses
>> outside and inside of certificate/rfc822Name use, how then would
>> it be appropriate for you, Ben or LAMPS to decide on what is and
>> what is not a semantic correct email address.
>>> And, something else is going on here.
>> Are you saying the addresses are (1) semantic correct email addresses AND
>> something else is going on, or are you saying (2) they are NOT
>> semantic correct email addresses AND something else is going on.
>> If you are saying (1), we are back to the above discussion of
>> the standing of how to decide what does and what does not
>> consitute a semantic correct email address.
>> If you are saying (2), i fully agree, but i would need an explanation
>> of how such "something else" would invalidate the use of such
>> email addresses in rfc822Name, because i see no further requirements
>> against email addresses in rfc822Name other than what you showed
>> in a prior mair on this thread. 
>> If a terminal is assigned an email address of
>> "", and the software says to the
>> user "you are sitting in Room17 on Terminal5", because the
>> software expected a particular formed local part of its
>> email address and parsed it, that is something else going on.
>> If the same email address is then use together as an
>> identifier together with a password for the terminal to
>> access some resources, oh, like a library database, that is 
>> also something else going on. 
>> This is pretty much what ACP does. What is IMHO is NOT going
>> on here is that these additional aspects render
>> into a non semantic correct
>> email address. They just do more with it.
>>> That is why I recommend otherName instead of rfc822name.
>> No, if you would just recommend an alternative that would be great,
>> but you are blocking progress of a document that has a lot of
>> in our opinion crucial explanations how that alternative would
>> create more use-case harm than the solution choosen in the document.
>>> I think that everyone understands that at this point.
>> I do not understand how a recommendation like yours can raise to
>> a blocking DISCUSS in an IESG review.
>>> Eric:
>>> Please change the write-up for this document.  It currently says:
>>> (10) Has anyone threatened an appeal or otherwise indicated extreme 
>>> discontent?
>>> If so, please summarise the areas of conflict in separate email messages to 
>>> the
>>> Responsible Area Director. (It should be in a separate email because this
>>> questionnaire is publicly available.)
>>>  No. There was unanimous support for this work and nobody raised any 
>>> objections.
>>> This is no longer the case.
>> So, it is not a recommendation you are voicing, it is instead
>> "extreme discontent". 
>> I wonder what rules of IETF are for betting how such "extreme miscontent"
>> has to be technically founded or just needs to be taken into account
>> without suficient technical argument. I think you have provided
>> no clear technical reasoning for:
>> - How does the documents choice cause more harm than the alternative
>>  proposed for the use-cases or any other possible victims ?
>> - How is the choice in violation of any relevant RFC ?
>> - How are the email addresses not syntactic and semantic correct addresses 
>> according to rfc2821 ?
>> - How are otherwise statements like "i do not think this is the right thing" 
>> and
>>  "there is something else going on here" sufficient arguments for blocking
>>  IESG progressing the document.
>> Cheers
>>    Toerless
>>> Russ
>>>> On Jun 27, 2020, at 11:09 PM, Brian E Carpenter 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>> On 28-Jun-20 10:58, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>>>>> I'm not Russ, but I don't take his point to be about ACME one way or the 
>>>>> other.
>>>>> Rather, I take his point to be (as he just said in his response to Brian) 
>>>>> that while this is *formatted* as an e-mail address, it does not in fact 
>>>>> correspond to something to which e-mail can be delivered 
>>>> It might do, simply because it is so formatted.
>>>>> and therefore does not match the semantics of RFC 5280.
>>>> RFC5280 does not require such a mailbox to exist. Is there another 
>>>> normative document, e.g. a BCP, that does require one? It's entirely 
>>>> possible that the authors of RFC5280 assumed that such a mailbox would 
>>>> exist, but this is not written anywhere that I can see. So IMNSHO, this 
>>>> objection to the ACP draft is attempting to hold it to a standard that 
>>>> isn't documented.
>>>>> Taking a step back from the substantive issue, it seems to me that to the 
>>>>> extent to which their is debate about the meaning of 5280, this is a 
>>>>> discussion which cannot be resolved entirely on this list, but instead 
>>>>> needs to involve the LAMPS WG.
>>>> That may be true, but it's not ANIMA's fault and the discussion first 
>>>> arose last year, so why hasn't LAMPS already considered it, if it's 
>>>> important enough to continue obstructing ANIMA's progress?
>>>> Brian
>>>>> -Ekr
>>>>> On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 3:46 PM Toerless Eckert < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>   On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 11:52:20AM -0400, Russ Housley wrote:
>>>>>> Toerless:
>>>>>> I think Brian actually made my point.  While the filed contains an email 
>>>>>> address, using it as such would result in a delivery failure.  The 
>>>>>> private key holder cannot be reached by this address.
>>>>>   Russ, i said:
>>>>>> First of all, you can if you want to,
>>>>>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>>   Aka: Yes, if an ACP admin thinks ACME style challenge/reply
>>>>>   email authentication mechanism is useful, then he can of course
>>>>>   set up those email addresses accordingly. I did reply to that
>>>>>   point exhaustively in my reply about the ACME email mechanism.
>>>>>    Why do you ignore that answer ?
>>>>>> and secondly, i contest that it is a requirement to be able
>>>>>> to do that if the recipient doesn't need to support it.
>>>>>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>>> Think about 
>>>>>> <>.
>>>>>> You do want to make sure though that you are in control of
>>>>>> the electronic mail address though, and that is given for ACP
>>>>>> addresses.
>>>>>   Where in rfc5280 or any other generic RFC about certificates does
>>>>>   it say you MUST have a mailbox that is reachable ? Where does it
>>>>>   say that all certificiates with rfc822Name must be email boxes
>>>>>   that support ACME email style challenge-reply about the email address ?
>>>>>   I think this is a non-existing requirement against email addresses.
>>>>>   Of course, 
>>>>> <> can have a certificate with
>>>>>   that rfc822Name. It just can't use the ACME mechanism to be
>>>>>   generated. But the signed mails sent from that address can be
>>>>>   authenticated.
>>>>>   Or there are never emails, because the email address just serves
>>>>>   as identifier of an entity such as in wifi roaming identification
>>>>>   and authentication. In that case you are not authenticating
>>>>>   e.g.: password ownership for the email address via actual emails
>>>>>   but via AAA protocols against a DNS domain known AAA server
>>>>>   for the domain part of the email address.
>>>>>   If you want to write a standards track RFC that all email addresses
>>>>>   used in any X.509v3 certificate MUST support an ACME style
>>>>>   challenge/reply email, then please do that, and seee if you get
>>>>>   thast through. If would invalidate a lot of solutions like
>>>>>   those wifi roaming ones. It WOULD NOT invalidate the ACP
>>>>>   solution, because as said (no several times) the ACP solution
>>>>>   can perfectly be set up to support this. It just does not
>>>>>   need to.
>>>>>   Cheers
>>>>>       Toerless
>>>>>> Russ
>>>>>>> On Jun 27, 2020, at 1:40 AM, Toerless Eckert < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Russ,
>>>>>>> Top posting re. your ACP vs. ACME question.
>>>>>>> ACP rfc822name are meant to be under control of the ACP network 
>>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>>> aka: the ACP registrars could be controlling rfcSELF* 
>>>>>>> <> mailboxes using
>>>>>>> ACME S/MIME to get rfcSELF* <> 
>>>>>>> certificates or IMHO easier control
>>>>>>> the <> MTA.  Just no need/benefit 
>>>>>>> to do this now IMHO:
>>>>>>> An ACP is a private network which is ideally isolated from other
>>>>>>> ACP networks by use of private TA. Using the ACME rfc822name scheme 
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> IMHO create a lot of attack components (all the MTA in the mail path
>>>>>>> and domain names) if used acros the Internet - without benefits for
>>>>>>> ACP. Of course, if it was all a private ACME setup within an enterprise,
>>>>>>> and using mailboxes and ACME is a popular choice - sure, why not.
>>>>>>> But for private CA setups there are existing IMO easier options
>>>>>>> (private CA VMs using EST or the like).
>>>>>>> IMHO public ACME CAwith S/MIME authenitcation could  make sense
>>>>>>> in the future to enable authentication across different ACP domains.
>>>>>>> Any network has links into other domains and today they are usually
>>>>>>> unauthenticated, that could be solved IMHO fairly easily.
>>>>>>> "private" CA of ACP domain , lets call it acpCA signs all ACP certs.
>>>>>>> Its own cert is not self-signed, but signed by ACME CA via S/MIME,
>>>>>>> maybe email is <> (no ACP 
>>>>>>> IPv6 address in it)
>>>>>>> Now the ACP nodes actually use acpCA PLUS ACMA CA's as TA.
>>>>>>> After IKEv2 authenticates neigbor the followup ACP domain membership
>>>>>>> step checks if the TA of the peer is acpCA. If yes, then peer
>>>>>>> becomes ACP member, otherwise we have an authenticated signalling
>>>>>>> channel to an interdomain / different CA peer. And that of course
>>>>>>> would enable better/secure auto-configuration of such interdomain
>>>>>>> links.
>>>>>>> This gives me good mix of security: Its still only relying on
>>>>>>> well controlled private TA to get into ACP, but also doubles
>>>>>>> at less secure but best available "Internet/Interdomain"
>>>>>>> authentication.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>    Toerless
>>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 12:36:06PM -0400, Russ Housley wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Jun 21, 2020, at 12:28 PM, Michael Richardson 
>>>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Russ Housley < <>> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> One cannot send email to the character string in this specification, 
>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>> it should not be carried in the rfc822name.
>>>>>>>>> You can send email to that character string if you configure the MX.
>>>>>>>>> It was designed specifically to accomodate that.
>>>>>>>>> I objected at the time: I thought it was a stupid feature, that no 
>>>>>>>>> sensible IKEv2 daemon
>>>>>>>>> was going to have to send/receive email.
>>>>>>>>> But, Toerless was paranoid that if we did anything at all out of the
>>>>>>>>> ordinary, that the corporate CA people, in order to protect their 
>>>>>>>>> fiefdom,
>>>>>>>>> would freak out and throw some huge roadblock in the way of deploying 
>>>>>>>>> the ACP.
>>>>>>>>> And, now have an ACME method past WGLC that does certificate 
>>>>>>>>> validation by
>>>>>>>>> SMTP.
>>>>>>>> Looking at the email certificate enrollment work in the ACME WG 
>>>>>>>> (draft-ietf-acme-email-smime-08), I have a hard time seeing how the 
>>>>>>>> device that knows the private key could participate in such a 
>>>>>>>> protocol.  How do you see it working?
>>>>>>>> Russ
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