On 23-Aug-22 06:43, Carsten Bormann wrote:

Aka: grasp-option can not represent the purely numeric ttl anymore.

That's actually a bug in the changes I was proposing. It will be
fixed but I doubt that the cbor list cares.

We could do a one-off fix for ttl by channging message-structure, but
i really don't see why we would want to constrain grasp-option to be
less than any, see below.


Grasp-option really is the lower layer of extensibility, which allows you to 
create new messages that then conform to message-structure.  These should 
provide maximum flexibility.

(Message should be/employ a socket, to make this extension point more visible.)

The production that is called grasp-option should not be called grasp-option, 
because it is not just about options, it’s all elements in a message after the 
common header.

Correct. Will fix.

2) Still want to understand .within correctly i think it does not doe
not work as you hope above.

Carsten claimed offlist, that in your above syntax, grasp-option would
match some option that is not yet defined, as long as it matches
option-structure. From reading rfc8610, i think this is wrong, because
numeric-option is an AND between option and option-structure, so only
any currently defined options will be matched. No extensibility to
include any future options, even if they match option-structure.

I’m not sure I understand the context of this, but yes, .within is a .and.  So 
you have to have both message-structure accept the message and the message 
choice as well.

Obviously, we need a second layer of extensibility beyond adding new messages: 
adding new options to a message.

So each message production should have a *grasp-really-option at the end, where 
that stands for an actual (registered) option.

I don't really see that. But let's have that argument about a complete
updated CDDL spec, and not waste cbor@'s time.


Of course, i can be wrong, but then rfc8610 text is really misleading.

3) Here is what i propose:

    grasp-option = valid-option / objective / any
    valid-option = option .within option-structure

(Valid-option is your grasp-really-option.)

    option-structure = [*any]

No, an option starts with an option-type, so this should be

    option-structure = [option-type, *any]

    option-type = uint


    flood-message = [M_FLOOD, session-id, initiator, ttl,
                    +[objective, (locator-option / [])], *grasp-option]


    "All other"-message = [ ... existing definitions ..., *grasp-option]

Yes, that would be the whole-sale introduction of the second layer.
(Grasp-really-option, actually.)

The [~message, *grasp-really-option] approach might be able to do this with 
fewer changes.


We may also want to carve out ranges to indicate that an option received
with such a numbe,if not known to the receiver must not be ignored but
needs to result in an error condition.

(Negative numbers would lend themselves to this…)


M_FLOOD still has the added issue, that it can have multiple objectives,
and we do not have a way to express per-objective options. Which bugs me.

… a fourth layer of extensibility…

Grüße, Carsten

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