Russ points out that the title is a slightly mis-leading.

The document is titled:
    _Constrained Join Proxy for Bootstrapping Protocols_

  --- abstract
  This document extends the work of Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key
  Infrastructures (BRSKI) by replacing the Circuit-proxy between
  Pledge and Registrar by a stateless/stateful constrained Join
  Proxy. The constrained Join Proxy is a mesh neighbor of the
  Pledge and can relay a DTLS session originating from a Pledge with only 
  addresses to a Registrar which is not a mesh neighbor of the

  This document defines a protocol to securely assign a Pledge to a domain,
  represented by a Registrar, using an intermediary node between Pledge and
  Registrar. This intermediary node is known as a "constrained Join
  Proxy". An enrolled Pledge can act as a constrained Join Proxy.

{paragraph two is most definitely wrong, but paragraph one is absolutely 

Russ is wrong in thinking that the join proxy machine is not constrained; it
may well be, and that's why we want to reduce/eliminate state if possible.
(Or rather, move it into the network and into the Registrar)

However, I stubbed my toe on the title while trying to fix things.

It is the (Constrained Join) Proxy for Bootstrapping Protocols.
Not, the:  (Constrained Join Proxy) for Bootstrapping Protocols_

I thought about instead:
          Stateless Join Proxy for Constrained Bootstrapping Protocols

Or even s/Bootstrapping/Onboarding/
but, actually we document both State and Stateless mechanisms.

Please help me fix the title and from that, the abstract.

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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