Reviewer: Barry Leiba
Review result: Ready

First: My apologies for the long delay in getting this follow-up review done!

Second: Thanks for all the work on this document.  It's much improved from the
-03 version and addresses all my concerns well.

Just one small comment in Section 5.1:

   When using CMP, adherence to the LCMPP
   [I-D.ietf-lamps-lightweight-cmp-profile] is mandatory.  In
   particular, the following specific requirements apply (cf.
   Figure 2).

Should “mandatory” be the BCP 14 “REQUIRED” ?  Your choice, as it can stand the
way it is, but I have a minor preference for the BCP 14 version.

And in Section 8, “Barry Lea” is supposed to be me, I think: “Barry Leiba”.  :-)

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