On Sat, 2010-09-11 at 07:54 +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Il 10/09/2010 20:46, Anne Ghisla ha scritto:
> > Feedback on the idea is most welcome!
> While I think WPS is an interesting approach, being so much more
> general, and easy to
> use for people who are not interested in technicalities, I still do
> not like the idea
> of not being able to modify the analyses to be run. I prefer to have
> full control
> over my analyses. The key word under the free software movement is for
> me "user
> empowerment".

Hi Paolo, list,

as I mentioned, there will still be room for a local install of all the
software, and I will take care of publishing the complete setup of the
WPS server, and keep the two versions in sync.
I think of the WPS as a solution for clients with odd problems in having
all deps installed, or performance issues.

> If the installation of the server will be not more complicated than
> the current
> situation, that's fine with me, otherwise I'd prefer to have the
> programs running on
> my machines.
> But that's only my personal preference, of course.

Sure, thanks for sharing your point of view.

> All the best, and thanks.


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