Hi Eric,

I tried with writeOGR and I have created the shp, but when I
open the file with QGis the poligon doesn't overlap with the layer of the
I don't understand why!
I tried to make the analysis with the home range plugin but I have an error
when I use the Kernel SLCV and qgis crashes.

Furthermore when I try to zoom the poligon it disappears


2012/11/12 Eric Patterson <eric.m.patter...@gmail.com>

> Hi Tagmarie,
> Try the writeOGR function in the rgdal package.  It has many export
> options (e.g. shp, kml, etc) type ogrDrivers() once the package is
> installed to see all your options and ?writeOGR to see the syntax for
> exporting.
> in your example...
> kudl  <-  kernelUD(puechabonsp$relocs[,  1],  h  =  "LSCV")
> kernelcontours<-getverticeshr(kudl,percent=90) #decide on the contour you
> want to export
> writeOGR(kernelcontours,dsn="/your directory", layer="your file
> name",driver="ESRI Shapefile") # for a shapefile.
> If you want multiple contours perhaps use getverticeshr multiple times and
> merge the objects, either in R or your GIS software? Maybe someone else
> knows a better solution. If you want an actual raster to display underneath
> and not just the contour the estUDm2spixdf() function will convert your
> estUDm into a *SpatialPixelsDataFrame which can then be exported like
> above using writeOGR into various formats (e.g. geotiff)  Hope this helps!
> *
> *
> *
> *Cheers,*
> Eric Patterson
> PhD Candidate
> Department of Biology
> Georgetown University
> Phone: 303-913-2755
> Email: eric.m.patter...@gmail.com
>  <eric.m.patter...@gmail.com>
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Ramgad <ramga...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am completely new to this list and also fairly new to R. I searched for
>> hours (days actually) on the internet to solve my problem but couldn't find
>> an answer. Maybe you can help?
>> I calculated a homerange using the adehabitatHR-packaged, "plotted" it
>> like nicely described in the vignette and now I want to export the image
>> (image with the contourlines) to google maps. I just don't get how to do
>> that. Alternatively I'd also take a shapefile.
>> My data look most like the ones in the vignette:
>> library(adehabitatHR)
>> kudl  <-  kernelUD(puechabonsp$relocs[,  1],  h  =  "LSCV")
>> vud  <-  getvolumeUD(kudl)
>> image(vud[[1]])
>> xyzv  <-  as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(**vud[[1]])
>> contour(xyzv,  add=TRUE)
>> Any ideas?
>> That would be so helpful!
>> Best regards,
>> Tagmarie
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