Hi Victor

> I installed Ubuntu 12.04 and QGIS in a virtual machine. Then followed the
> installation instructions [1] and everything worked as expected. The only
> thing that was incorrect was the qgis directory, which is not
> <user_home>/.qgis, but <user_home>/.qgis2.

that is weird, I made  a lot of qgis 2 installations on Ubuntu and
that was never an issue

> If you open the Python console inside QGIS and execute this:
>>>> from processing.algs.ftools import FToolsUtils
>>>> FToolsUtils
> what do you get? I think that should work for any QGIS installation.
> Also, could you please provide the full error message?

found the reason:

in a fresh qgis 2 installation there is the file FToolsUtils.py,
located in /usr/share/qgis/python/

but then the plugin is immeditely available for upgrade via the plugin
manager. In the updated version of the plugin (and by default in QGIS
master aka 2.2) there is no FToolsUtils.py

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