Hello fellow Libertarian!
Wouldn't you like to see a Libertarian candidate in every spot on your ballot 
next election?

Don't you want the chance to vote for your ideal candidate:

* Who truly understands the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

* Who believes that freedom works and freedom is right?

* Whose stand on the issues matches your own: Pro-freedom -- on every issue -- 
all the time?

That ideal candidate is you!

Yes, we are seriously asking you to run for office as a Libertarian candidate.

If you want to run for office or are seriously considering a run, please fill 
out our candidate form at:


Since the Libertarian Party was formed, Libertarians have served between 1,000 
and 2,000 elective office terms.  As a result, those dedicated Libertarians 
have saved taxpayers millions of dollars and helped to incrementally roll back 
government interference in everyone's right to do as they please.  Now, it's up 
to you.  The only way we can continue building on our past efforts is to 
relentlessly challenge the parties of fat government at the ballot box.

Wouldn't a Libertarian voice be important in your local or state government?  
That voice can be *your* voice!  If you want to be a candidate, the Libertarian 
Party of Virginia can help with petitioning information, finding volunteers in 
your own area, and can point you to some of the best grassroots political 
training available.

At the local level, we often have the most impact.  Almost all of the 
Libertarian Party's elected public officials are working on the local level, 
helping to enact real changes in their communities and building the stature and 
reputation of the Libertarian Party.  In 2016, there will be elections on May 3 
and of course all of the other offices on November 8th.

That's why we're asking you now -- running a good race requires planning well 
in advance!

Here is what will be on your ballot in 2016:

May Elections, Tuesday, May 3, 2016

City Council (17 cities) (terms vary - set by Charter)
City School Boards (10 cities) (terms same as City Council )
Town Council (115 towns) (terms vary - set by Charter)

City or Town Mayor (terms vary - set by Charter)
Town Treasurer (terms vary - set by Charter)
Town Recorder (Clerk) If required by Charter (terms vary - set by Charter)

Primary - if held: March 1

November Elections, Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Federal-level offices:

President (4-year term)
U. S. Representative (11) (2-year term)

State-level offices:

Virginia Senate (40) (4-year term) 
House of Delegates (100) (2-year term) 
Soil and Water Directors (4-year term) 


County Board (1 county) Arlington (4-year term)
County School Board (1 county) Arlington (4-year term)


City Council (17 cities) (terms vary - set by Charter)
City School Board (9 cities) (terms vary - set by Charter)


Town Council (53 towns) (terms vary - set by Charter)
Town School Board (2 towns) (terms vary - set by Charter)


The deadline to enter November races is Primary Day, June 14!  Let us know:


Do the odds of winning seem daunting?  Well, winning isn't always the only 
reason to run.  Time after time, we see that the more candidates the party 
runs, the more media coverage they receive, the better their average vote, and 
most importantly, the more of them win their races.  You will greatly help our 
effort even if your campaign activities are limited to little more than getting 
your name on the ballot.  In addition, working towards the ballot box year 
after year tends to help us "grow" on the voters and paves the way for better 
market share in the next election.

Most Americans get their first exposure to Libertarian ideas through our 
campaigns.  Without candidates and campaigns, we are invisible.  Running for 
office is the single most effective way to promote the freedom philosophy.

It's not too early to start organizing your run -- your campaign will be 
healthier with an early start!

What is the minimum we need of a candidate?

* If the media calls, return their call promptly.  Just think, they may write 
news articles on you and your Libertarian views!

* Answer the questionnaires that you'll receive from various political and 
community groups.  Won't you enjoy the opportunity to tell everyone what you 
really think?

* Attend any candidate forums you are invited to, or at least respond with 
regrets if you cannot attend.

* Have several high-quality photos taken to provide to any media who may call.

* Finally, comply with the contribution filing requirements and campaign ethics 

If you will do just the above, you will be a great asset to our efforts over 
the next year.  If you are willing to do even more, you'll advance the cause of 
Liberty even further.  And there is help available every step of the way.

If you want to run for office or are seriously considering a run, please fill 
out our candidate form at:


>From there we'll send you more information about running for office and put 
>you in contact with your district or local chair.  They can aid in finding 
>volunteers to assist you.

With your help, we will bring more people into the Libertarian Party, enhance 
our legitimacy, and give voters a real choice when they go to the polls.  The 
fight for our Liberty is here and now -- you can help make a difference!
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours in Freedom,
-- Marc Montoni, Secretary
   Libertarian Party of Virginia

P.S.  I know that not everyone can make the decision to run.  But if you can't 
do so this year, will you please step forward with a contribution to help 
support those who do run this year?  Your best contribution today will help us 
recruit a bigger slate of candidates to represent YOUR views on the ballot, and 
it will help us fund credible races around the state.  Please visit:


... and make your best donation today.  Thank you.

P.P.S.  I'm putting my money where my mouth is.  I have a $1,000 donation 
waiting for the right candidate at the local level.  It's not offered to just 
anyone -- the eventual recipient is going to have to be a very hard worker who 
has recruited a serious campaign volunteer team, and who is promoting a 
consistent libertarian stance on all issues.  If you're serious about running 
for local office and going for a win, let's talk.  Here is more information on 
this offer:


P.P.P.S.  The 5-year Calendar of Elections is available here: 
                (Or if that link has expired, go to 
http://elections.virginia.gov/index.php/media/calendars-schedules/ )

Have an announcement you'd like to post?  SCC members & many 
committee heads are all authorized to post; or you may send 
your announcements to the List Master: <webmas...@lpva.com>
Unsubscribe: Send an email to sts...@lpva.com with no subject 
and "Unsubscribe Announce" as the text.
Libertarian Party of Virginia  http://www.LPVA.com
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