On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 9:44:37 AM UTC+11, Melissa Tan wrote:
> After it is set, I'm faced with a password prompt when no password 
> required is already done.  So it is actually executing sudo, but sudo isn't 
> setup to authorized the command that Ansible is pushing through.  The 
> sudoers file is not very large and the Unix Sys Admins want to keep it 
> simple... so it pretty much boils down to the following:
> Cmnd_Alias ADMIN_COM = sudoedit /etc/hosts, \
>                         /usr/bin/su - ipadm, \
>                         /usr/bin/su - ldapadm, \
>                         /usr/bin/su - cqadm
The issue with this is that you're not allowed to sudo to the target user, 
you're allowed to sudo to root, then execute 'su - ' to switch to the 
target user. This won't work is you want to 'sudo -u cmd', as Ansible is, 
presumably, doing.

Ask your sysadmin to set something like the following in sudoers:
%apadm ALL=(root) sudoedit /etc/hosts
%apadm ALL=(ipadm, ldapadm, cdadm) NOPASSWD: ALL

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