
I have this strange issue. The following code was working fine (I think)
as :


- name: Verify Python-3.4.1.tgz download
stat: path=/tmp/Python-3.4.1.tgz
register: a
- name: Extract archive
unarchive: >
dest=/home/{{ user_installer }}/src
when: a.stat.isfile is not defined


Until today I enable it again in the playbook and it now works "upside
down" :
It does extract the archive only when a.stat.isfile is not defined and
when "a.stat.isfile is defined and a.stat.isfile == true" : it just
skips the whole code.

I rewrite this as it seems that the "isdir" directive works just as it
should. So I guess the issue comes from the "isfile" statement and my
new question : is there a list of all arguments taken by the stat module
? I couldn't find one.

Thank you

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“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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