On 07/25/2014 12:44 AM, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> I think I replied to the previous copy of this one, please see the other
> thread.

Sorry about that.

> However, I think you might really want this:
> when: a is defined and a.stat.isfile
> OR (depending on use case)
> when: a is defined and not a.stat.isfile
> Maybe try one of those first...

I played with that code where /usr/local/bin/python3.4 does not exist :


- name: Verify if Python 3.4 is installed
  stat: path=/usr/local/bin/python3.4
  register: l

- debug: msg=execute
  when: l is defined


And :

        l is defined : trigger the debug message
        l is not defined : skipping

        l is defined and l.stat.isfile : skipping
        l is defined and not l.stat.isfile : skipping

        l is not defined and l.stat.isfile : skipping
        l is not defined and not l.stat.isfile : skipping

This is executed on localhost, with root privileges.

I actually find that weird as if it functions like stat on linux,
IMU l shouldn't be defined at all, no ?

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“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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