
I struggle with some issue with variables definition which I am not totally 
understand and can't find help in ansible docs.

I am trying to have nice variables structure and save it as json file 
(re-use as local facts).

So I have *groups_vars* file:
  version : "0.1.0"
    vi_name    : "core_vars"
    vi_vartype : "groupvars-all"
    status : "non-prod"
    env    : "develop"
    lob    : "none"
    product: "none"
    prole  : "other"
      - web

Now I would like to create variable based on above values:
For example:
g_core_nagios_filename: '{{ g_core_vars.vars.env }}-{{ 
g_core_vars.vars.product }}'.cfg

However I am gettig error on ansible:
ERROR: One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute: 

My goal is no that I can write this variabe 'g_core_vars' to json with 
'copy' module:
- name: Write g_core_vars variables to local facts
  copy: content="{{ g_core_vars }}" dest=/etc/ansible/facts.d/{{ g_core_vars
.varinfo.vi_name }}.fact 
        owner=root group=root mode=0644

- How I can use defined variables which used previous variables names and 
can be saved as json in one task? 
- Not quite undertand this principle that I have to define each variable 

# Variables files.
var01: 'value01'
var02: 'value02'

  v01: '{{ var01 }}'
  v02: '{{ var02 }}'

# Will work
somevars2: '{{ var01 }}-{{ var02 }}'

# Will not work
somevars2: '{{ somevars1.var01 }}'

Please advice.

Best regards.

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