
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 03:38:07AM -0700, Filias Heidt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm getting my feet wet in ansible and I'm pretty exited so far. But I think I
> discovered a use case, which might be of interest for others: 
> We have numerous hosts with jails on them and would like to manage the jails
> with ansible - and not all jails are accessible via SSH, but all hosts are
> accessible via SSH.

It sounds more like you need to tweak your SSH config for these jailed
hosts - e.g. a fragment like this in $HOME/.ssh/config:

  Host somejailedhost
     ProxyCommand ssh jailkeeperhost nc %h %p

This should allow you to use "ssh" (and scp for that matter) to
interact directly with the jailed host. And Ansible should be able to
take advantage of that.

Hope this helps
Karl E. Jorgensen

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